Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Final Project Phase 3

Our presentation for phase 3 actually covers some areas from the previous phases, particularly on the part of Requirements Specifications.
Need Analysis finalization

We developed 9 personas, and we managed to derive the following needs to be fulfilled by our target user.
  • A simple, easy to use interface to get all info
  • Accessibility of the information
  • Manipulability (freedom to construct any kind of knowledge with the Data)
  • Usability (Functional)
For the content of our product, we further investigated a list of feature requirements, based on the interviews and survey:
What the School Provides
Student's Requirements
Module Name and Description
Categorization into Course Requirements
Each Semester's Schedule & Exam Time
Time Table Builder, Scheduler, Bidding Management
Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirement Tracking, Modules taken Listing
Structure of Assessments
Grade Simulator, Current CAP or Accumulative point
Messaging tools (Email, Forums)

Card Sorting and Information Architecture

Experience Strategy

Design Element
What The personas Say
Possible Design Strategy
Visual (Sensorial Design)
icon sleek, clean, aesthetically pleasing
Functional, simplicity
Visual (Sensorial Design)
Intuitive interface, minimal instructions
icons with simple action words
[ie Track/Check, Forecast]
Information Architecture
no information overload; no cram functions
Use words, links and graphics only when necessary, avoid clutter
Interaction Design
icons to create their own individual space;
customised user space
Interaction Design
employ a drag and drop interface.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Final Project Phase 1& 2

A short summary of our Project Proposal:

Our Proposal
: To build a personal Knowledge management system aimed for students at a higher learning institute.

Our Target user:

What do they do:
In Plain terms, they want to achieve. Nobody would spend all the trouble to go through the formal education system without a high sense of goal setting and achievement seeking. Although the original intention of higher education is for Knowledge development and enrichment, the attractiveness of having prestigious qualifications for the purpose of career development outweighs any other objectives. Even if that sometimes involves bending some rules and work around with the system or play with the system.

How does it matter? In order to achieve, the students will utilize all tools available to help them attain their goals. Sometimes what the (school) system provide them is not sufficient or can be counterproductive, and in our case, NUS does not seem to provide an integrated system for students to manage their subjects/ modules according to the conditions for graduation. Furthermore a quick survey of the students reveal they have unpleasant experiences with the disintegrated systems which NUS provides.